The 7th provincial conference celebrating World Soil Day was held under the management of the Faculty of Water and Soil

03 February 2024 | 12:45 Code : 881 اخبار
The 7th provincial conference celebrating World Soil Day was held under the management of the Faculty of Water and Soil

The seventh provincial conference commemorating World Soil Day by the Faculty of Water and Soil with the presence of the special governor of Zabol city, a group of managers of the executive bodies of water and soil in the province and Sistan region, the honorable president of the university, faculty members and students on Tuesday 2023 December 12  It was held at International Conference Hall of Zabol University.

Dr. Peyman Afrasiab, president of Zabol University, emphasized Iran's very good position in the production of scientific content and stated: Considering the direct impact of soil quality on the quality of human life, commemorating World Soil Day is a great opportunity to use a scientific and comprehensive approach and using wisdom. A group of experts in this field should explain the ways of proper protection and exploitation of this huge capital. He clarified that the 120- day winds of Sistan are a part of the region's climate, the emergence of the problem of water shortage in the local winds, along with the weakness of vegetation in the, and of course, human interventions in the soil of Hamon, are among the factors that cause the phenomenon of dust and a severe decrease in quality of the weather in Sistan region.

Dr. Ainullah Rouhi Moghadam the head of the Faculty of Water and Soil, pointed out that Zabol University is a fourth-generation, entrepreneurial and need-oriented university, and mission orientation is emphasized in it. one of the important missions of Zabol University is to enter into the water and soil issues of the region such as drought And Dust, so because of those issues the Faculty of Water and Soil was established in 2010. Stating that December 5th has been named World Soil Day, he recalled that the main purpose of choosing the slogan of World Soil Day, "Soil and Water: A Source of Life ", is to make people aware of the importance and unbreakable bond between soil and water.

In this conference, Engineer Molashahi, the governor of Zabol city, pointed out that the soil is the source of blessing and expressed concern that due to the current conditions in the Sistan region, the lack of stabilization of the soil has aggravated the dust problem. Confirming effective and useful research has been done in the field of water and soil in regional universities, he expressed his hope that by utilizing the existing scientific capacities and organic-mineral materials available in the soil of Sistan region, we will be able to take effective steps to develop industries and create employment in the region besides controlling the dust phenomenon.

In this conference, scientific lectures on the issues of soil, water, dust and comprehensive management of natural resources in Sistan region were given by Dr. Ali Shahriari, Hadi Goloi, Abbas Miri and Mojtabi Ganjali, which attracted the attention.

Dr. Ebrahim Shirmohammadi, the executive secretary of the conference and a faculty member explained the programs carried out in commemoration of the World Soil Day, including holding painting and photography competitions, visiting water and soil laboratories at the student level, and holding educational workshops and conferences at the academic level and executive administrates.

tags: soil water soil world soil faculty water soil soil day soil water water faculty water region sistan region

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