Signing a memorandum of understanding on scientific, educational and research cooperation between Zabol University and the General Department of Culture and Islamic Guidance of Sistan and Baluchistan province

24 April 2024 | 10:04 Code : 929 University news
Signing a memorandum of understanding on scientific, educational and research cooperation between Zabol University and the General Department of Culture and Islamic Guidance of Sistan and Baluchistan province

According to the public relations report of the university, in the afternoon of 2024   April  24   , Wednesday   , on the sidelines of the second " talent identification festival from school and neighboring community ", a memorandum of understanding on scientific, educational and research cooperation between the General Department of Culture and Islamic Guidance of Sistan and Baluchistan province and Zabol University signed by Dr. Peyman Afrasiab, President of the University and Dr. Ali Sargazi, Director of the Department of Culture and Islamic Guidance of Sistan and Baluchistan province.

In order to strengthen the economy of culture and art which matches the needs of the cultural and artistic society in the higher education system and wants to solve the problems and challenges in the realization of the assigned goals and missions, especially facilitating the production and exploitation processes of Cultural and artistic works were concluded in the memorandum of understanding.

Among the goals of this memorandum of understanding is to organize joint research, educational and executive cooperation between Zabol University and the Department of Culture and Islamic Guidance of the province, to implement research projects in the form of graduate theses agreed by the parties to the memorandum, to hold Joint scientific meetings in order to develop and promote the culture of cooperation and entrepreneurship at the university and community level, taking advantage of the abilities, capacity and services of the parties such as research facilities, cooperation of academic staff members with the Council of Public Culture and scientific committees. - Consultancy also mentioned creating a platform for students to get to know the society and the experiential and professional market and joint cooperation in holding tours and camps.

tags: culture department culture culture islamic culture islamic guidance cooperation university memorandum memorandum understanding research guidance

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