Zabol University
Zabol University with 8 faculties, three research institutes and a research center, thousands of students, 110 fields and academic orientations in specialized doctorate, professional doctorate, master's degree, bachelor's degree and associate degree in day and evening courses. It has 380 full-time faculty members, a huge 8,000-hectare educational-research complex of Baqiyat allah-Azam, well-equipped and advanced laboratories, a unique internet site among the country's universities. Zabol University undoubtedly is considered as one of important Higher education centers in the southeast of the country.
- Address of Campus : University of Zabol , Banjar road , Zabol County, Sistan and Baluchestan Province, Iran
- The Higher Education Registration Office:054-31232336
- The registration office for general bachelor's and doctorate:054-31232034
- Fax number: 054-31232032