The first election of trade union council of Zabol University employees was held.

According to the public relations report of Zabol University:
The first election of the Guild union council of Zabol University employees was held on Saturday, March 9, 2024 in the international conference hall of the university, and the main members were determined. In this election, which was accompanied by the enthusiasm and participation of university employees, 286 officials, Contractual employees who were eligible to vote participated.
After the counting of the votes, Mr. Mustafa Zulfaghari, Sirus Taheri and Hossein Piri and Mrs. Pardis Nakhai and Shahla Rizvani were elected as the main members and Mr. Alireza Nakhai as the inspector of the Guild union council of Zabol University employees.
According to this report, Dr. Afrasiab, the president of the university, along with the members of the board of directors, visited the election process of the union council of the employees.
The members of the union council of the university employees are elected by the employees' vote for two years.
Public relations of the university wishes success to the newly elected people in fulfilling their assigned duties, obtaining the satisfaction of honorable employees and advancing the high goals of the university.